I've always believed that India is moving ahead. I always believed that things are changing for good.
But when a friend of yours says that she doesn't want a girl child, coz the environment is not conducive to rear a girl child, you know something is fundamentally wrong. Thats what happened recently. One of my friends is about to become a mom, and she doesn't want a girl child.
The reasons are a plenty, two of them given to me are:
1) Indian society is any how aggressive to a girl child. I thought it was changing, but it seems the northern belt is not.
2) Delhi in particular seems to be the worst place to rear a girl child. because most parent dont want to have a head ache 24x7 about whether their daughter is being molested on the roads somewhere, or someone is following her..
I had no words to this.. do you really resign to this state? or do you fight this..?
India shining... India's new future and all such encomiums pretty much sound shallow.
maybe we need to remove the upper shiny crust to see the rot beneath ....